km 82 inca trail - The Starting Point of the Iconic Inca Trail in Cusco, Peru

Km 82, also known as Piscacucho, is the starting point of the iconic Inca Trail in Cusco, Peru. Located just 6 km away from Ollantaytambo, this site marks the beginning of a journey that leads to one of the world’s most captivating archaeological sites – Machu Picchu. The most popular way to hike the Inca Trail is to depart from Km 82 and complete the 4- or 5-day trek, depending on which route you choose. The trail has a steep incline at certain points, but it’s well worth it because of the amazing scenery and archaeological sites along the way.

Inca Trail Peru

The Inca Trail is an ancient footpath that stretches for nearly 43 km (26 miles) from km 82 in the Sacred Valley to Machu Picchu. It was once used by the Inca people as a major means of communication and transportation between their settlements in the highlands and those in the lowlands. As such, the Inca Trail is a rich source of archaeological history and cultural significance in Peru. The journey on km 82 typically takes 4 days to complete, and 5 days for those who choose a longer route. The trek usually follows the Urubamba Valley, and hikers will reach Machu Picchu via Intipunku, the sun gate.

Where is Piscacucho?

Getting to km 82 is relatively easy; you can either hire a taxi from Cusco or take a bus directly from Ollantaytambo. The journey takes roughly an hour, depending on traffic and road conditions. For those looking to start the Inca Trail without taking a guided tour, km 82 is the starting point.

Inca Trail fitness level required

The Inca Trail is an iconic and challenging trek. While it is suitable for all levels of hikers, the more time spent acclimatizing to the altitude, the better. A good level of fitness is recommended for anyone considering hiking km 82 on the Inca Trail.

It is important to be aware that the terrain can be steep and uneven in places. There are also several mountain passes to cross, which can take a toll on your energy levels. Therefore it is important to be prepared with the right gear and supplies before you start your journey.

Why should travelers stay in Ollantaytambo?

The town of Ollantaytambo is the closest and most convenient place to stay while preparing for the Inca Trail from km 82. It’s a great place to stock up on supplies and gear prior to the trek, as well as get accustomed to the altitude and acclimatize. The town is also a great place to spend some time learning about the Inca culture and history that surrounds km 82 and the Inca Trail. There are many hotels, hostels, and restaurants in Ollantaytambo that cater to hikers looking to start km 82 on the Inca Trail.

Is necessary a travel agency to travel the Inca Trail from km 82, Piscacucho?

A travel agency is necessary to travel the Inca Trail from km 82, Piscacucho due to the various regulations and permits that are required in order to hike this stretch of the Inca Trail. The Peruvian government has put in place strict regulations regarding access to this protected area and as such, it is necessary to use a travel agency in order to get the necessary permits and access. It is also important to use a reputable travel agency as they will be able to provide experienced guides who know the terrain and can help make your journey more enjoyable.

Inca Trail Peru: Updated rates - 2023

The Inca Trail is one of the most popular and culturally and historically rich trails in Peru. It provides hikers with a unique opportunity to explore some of the most impressive archaeological sites in South America, while also taking in spectacular views of the surrounding Sacred Valley and Urubamba Valley.

The trail begins at km 82 – Piscacucho and ends at Machu Picchu. The journey typically takes 4 days to complete, however some seekers prefer a 5-day or 7-day route for a more leisurely pace.

The updated rates for the Inca Trail Peru in 2023 are as follows:

Machu Picchu hike
  • A 3-day trek from km 82 – Piscacucho to Machu Picchu is priced at US$850 per person.
Inca Trail Peru – Private Tour
  • A 4-day trek from km 82 – Piscacucho to Machu Picchu is priced at US$750 per person.
Inca Trail Tour – Group Tour
  • A 4-day trek from km 82 – Piscacucho to Machu Picchu is priced at US$690 per person.
5 day Inca Trail 
  • A 5-day trek from km 82 – Piscacucho to Machu Picchu is priced at US$899 per person.

These prices include all necessary permits, guides and other services for a safe and enjoyable journey along this ancient trail.

The km 82 trailhead at Piscacucho marks the beginning of an unforgettable journey that leads to Machu Picchu. Before starting the trek, it is important to equip yourself with the right gear and supplies as well as ensure that you have acquired the necessary permits through a trusted travel agency. Staying in Ollantaytambo will also provide easy access to km 82, as well as an opportunity to explore some of the best-preserved Inca sites in Peru.

Tip: For more information on km 82 of the Inca trail and what to expect during the trek, check out our blog post ” 4 day Inca Trail or 5 day Inca Trail

Inca Trail Treks:

Alternative Treks to Inca Trail:


km 82 is the starting point of the iconic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in Cusco, Peru. It’s located just 6 km away from Ollantaytambo and can be reached by taxi or bus. To get the most out of km 82 it is recommended that hikers spend some time in Ollantaytambo prior to the trek. This allows hikers to get accustomed to the altitude and acclimatize, as well as stock up on supplies and gear for km 82. With its rich history and cultural significance, km 82 is definitely a journey worth taking!

Top Questions about the Inca Trail Hiking

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