La Guía Definitiva de Entrenamiento para el Camino Inca y Machu Picchu

Si está planeando caminar por el Camino Inca a Machu Picchu, o si simplemente quiere estar mejor preparado para el desafío, ¡entonces necesita leer este artículo! Aquí discutiremos la mejor manera de entrenar para la caminata, para que pueda aprovechar al máximo su experiencia. Ya sea que sea un principiante o un excursionista experimentado, tenemos algo para todos. Así que no se lo pierda: ¡siga leyendo para obtener toda la información que necesita sobre el entrenamiento para Machu Picchu!

¿Qué es el Camino Inca y por qué recorrerlo?

El Camino Inca a Machu Picchu es una ruta increíblemente escénica e histórica que atraviesa los Andes peruanos, serpenteando a través de frondosos bosques, pintorescas montañas y antiguas ruinas incas. Es una de las caminatas más emblemáticas del mundo y brinda una experiencia inolvidable para cualquier aventurero.

El Camino Inca a Machu Picchu comienza en el Valle Sagrado y lleva a los excursionistas en un viaje a través de algunos de los paisajes más impresionantes de Perú. El sendero se extiende a lo largo de 43 kilómetros, con su punto más alto en Dead Woman’s Pass (13,779 pies/4200 metros). En el camino, los excursionistas pasarán por antiguos sitios incas como Wiñay Wayna y, por supuesto, Machu Picchu.

¿Cómo me entreno para la caminata del Camino Inca, tanto física como mentalmente?

«»El entrenamiento físico y mental son esenciales si desea aprovechar al máximo la caminata del Camino Inca a Machu Picchu. Esto no solo lo ayudará a completar la caminata de manera segura, sino que también garantizará que tenga una experiencia agradable.

Cuando se trata de entrenamiento físico, la clave es aumentar la resistencia y la fuerza. Comience con caminatas regulares o caminatas de intensidad variable, aumentando gradualmente el tiempo y la distancia que puede caminar. Esto ayudará a fortalecer su cuerpo, especialmente las piernas y los músculos centrales, que serán importantes para enfrentar las pendientes pronunciadas del Camino Inca. También es importante asegurarse de haber empacado el equipo adecuado para el viaje. También debes dedicar algo de tiempo a prepararte mentalmente para tu caminata. Es útil leer sobre la historia del Camino Inca y Machu Picchu, así como familiarizarse con el terreno y el clima para que esté mejor equipado para manejar cualquier desafío inesperado que pueda surgir durante su viaje. También es esencial empacar suficiente comida y agua para la caminata. Finalmente, no olvides aclimatarte a la altura. Se recomienda permanecer en Cusco o el Valle Sagrado durante al menos tres días antes de emprender la caminata para que su cuerpo tenga tiempo de adaptarse y prepararse. Al hacer esto, puede reducir drásticamente el riesgo de mal de altura y hacer que su viaje sea mucho más agradable.

Ahora que ha aprendido sobre el entrenamiento para el Camino Inca, ¡es hora de comenzar a planificar su aventura! Ya sea que sea un principiante o un excursionista experimentado, el Camino Inca es una experiencia increíble para todo tipo de aventureros.

¿Cuáles son los mejores consejos de entrenamiento para escalar Machu Picchu con éxito y seguridad?

«La mejor manera de garantizar una caminata exitosa y segura a Machu Picchu es estar completamente preparado. Antes de comenzar tu caminata, es importante tener un plan de entrenamiento completo que incluya preparación tanto física como mental.

En primer lugar, debe concentrarse en desarrollar su resistencia y fuerza realizando caminatas regulares y caminatas de intensidad variable. Esto le ayudará a fortalecer las piernas y los músculos centrales, que son esenciales para afrontar las pendientes pronunciadas del Camino Inca. También debe familiarizarse con el terreno y el clima del área para que pueda estar mejor equipado para manejar cualquier desafío inesperado que pueda surgir durante su viaje.

Además, asegúrese de estar adecuadamente aclimatado a la altitud antes de comenzar su caminata. Se recomienda permanecer en Cusco o el Valle Sagrado durante al menos tres días para que su cuerpo tenga tiempo de adaptarse y prepararse. Esto puede reducir drásticamente el riesgo de sufrir mal de altura, asegurando una experiencia mucho más placentera.

Finalmente, no olvide empacar el equipo adecuado y suficiente comida y agua para su caminata. ¡Una vez que haya resuelto todos estos elementos, puede comenzar a planificar una aventura inolvidable en el Camino Inca!

Qué llevar en su viaje de trekking a Machu Picchu

«»Empacar para un viaje de trekking a Machu Picchu puede parecer desalentador, pero con el equipo adecuado, no tiene por qué serlo. La clave es asegurarse de tener suficientes elementos esenciales y al mismo tiempo mantener la mochila liviana.

El primer artículo en su lista de empaque debe ser botas de montaña de buena calidad. Asegúrese de que le queden bien y que sean lo suficientemente cómodos para caminar durante largos períodos de tiempo. También debe traer una chaqueta para la lluvia, protección solar, capas abrigadas y un sombrero. En términos de sustento, es importante empacar suficiente comida y agua para que dure la caminata. Los refrigerios saludables como nueces, frutas secas y barras energéticas son excelentes para mantener altos los niveles de energía durante la caminata.

Otros elementos esenciales que debe tener incluyen un botiquín de primeros auxilios, un faro o linterna, mapas, binoculares y/o cámara, artículos de tocador y repelente de insectos. Además, no olvide traer los permisos y documentos de identificación necesarios. ¡Una vez que haya empacado todos sus elementos esenciales, puede comenzar su viaje a Machu Picchu con tranquilidad!

Al seguir estos consejos de capacitación y empaque, estará bien preparado para un viaje de trekking seguro y exitoso a Machu Picchu. Con la preparación y actitud adecuadas, podrá aprovechar al máximo su viaje y vivir una experiencia inolvidable en el Camino Inca. ¿Entonces, Qué esperas? ¡Empieza a planificar hoy!

¿Cuáles son algunos consejos para aprovechar al máximo mi tiempo en Machu Picchu después de recorrer el Camino Inca?

Una vez que haya completado el Camino Inca y haya llegado a Machu Picchu, querrá aprovechar al máximo su tiempo en este increíble lugar. Aquí hay algunos consejos para ayudarlo a aprovechar al máximo su visita:

1. En primer lugar, tómese su tiempo para explorar las ruinas y disfrutar de la atmósfera de esta antigua maravilla.

2. Tome muchas fotos para capturar las impresionantes vistas, pero también asegúrese de tomarse un tiempo lejos de la tecnología para relacionarse con su entorno y apreciar su belleza sin la distracción de la electrónica.

3. Asegúrese de llevar una cámara o un cargador de teléfono para que pueda recargar mientras esté en Machu Picchu: las ruinas se encuentran en lo alto de las montañas y, por lo general, la batería se puede agotar rápidamente.

4. Intente participar en una visita guiada a las ruinas; esto lo ayudará a obtener una visión más profunda de su significado histórico, así como más información sobre la cultura y las tradiciones incas.

5. Dedique algún tiempo a reflexionar sobre su viaje y lo que significa para usted personalmente: Machu Picchu es una experiencia única en la vida y es importante tomarse el tiempo para apreciar lo que ha logrado.

Siguiendo estos consejos, podrá aprovechar al máximo su tiempo en Machu Picchu después de completar el Camino Inca. Con la preparación y la actitud adecuadas, puede llevarse a casa experiencias y recuerdos inolvidables que permanecerán con usted por el resto de su vida. ¡Comience a planificar hoy y asegúrese de aprovechar esta increíble oportunidad!

¿Cuáles son algunos errores comunes que cometen las personas al hacer el Camino Inca a Machu Picchu?

Caminar por el Camino Inca a Machu Picchu es una experiencia increíble, pero es importante pensar en la seguridad antes de emprender su viaje. Muchas personas cometen errores a la hora de hacer el Camino Inca, por falta de preparación y conocimiento de lo que implica el camino. Estos son algunos de los errores más comunes que cometen las personas al caminar por el Camino Inca:

1. No estar adecuadamente preparado: es importante planificar con anticipación y preparar su cuerpo para la caminata, así como empacar todos los artículos necesarios, como ropa adecuada, calzado adecuado y suficiente agua y refrigerios para todo su viaje.

2. No permitir suficiente tiempo: el Camino Inca es una caminata exigente y es importante tener en cuenta el tiempo suficiente para descansar y disfrutar de las vistas.

3. Ir demasiado rápido: si bien puede estar emocionado de llegar a Machu Picchu, es importante no apresurarse por el sendero y tomarse su tiempo para disfrutar adecuadamente de la experiencia.

4. No aclimatarse: dado que Machu Picchu se encuentra a mayor altitud, es importante darse tiempo para acostumbrarse a la altitud antes de emprender el sendero.

5. Subestimar la elevación: muchas personas subestiman la elevación que tendrán que escalar y, por lo tanto, no se preparan lo suficientemente bien para las exigencias físicas del trekking del Camino Inca.

Tomando en cuenta estos consejos, puede asegurarse de que su experiencia en el Camino Inca sea segura y agradable. Con la preparación y actitud adecuada, puede comenzar a entrenar hoy mismo y llegar a Machu Picchu con una experiencia inolvidable.

¿Cuánto cuesta caminar por el Camino Inca y vale la pena?

El Camino Inca es una caminata icónica que conduce a uno de los sitios más legendarios de América del Sur, Machu Picchu. Es una experiencia desafiante y gratificante, pero tampoco es necesariamente barata. Entonces, ¿cuánto cuesta caminar por el Camino Inca? ¿Vale la pena? El costo del Camino Inca depende de algunos factores diferentes, como el tamaño del grupo y si desea servicios adicionales. En términos generales, puede oscilar entre $ 650 y $ 750 por persona para la caminata de 4 días con todas las comidas incluidas. ¿Vale la pena? ¡La respuesta corta es sí! El Camino Inca es una experiencia inolvidable y podrá presenciar unas vistas espectaculares de la cordillera de los Andes, así como explorar un sitio inca legendario.

Cuando se trata de entrenar para la caminata, hay muchas maneras de prepararse. Comience aumentando su nivel de actividad y desarrollando su resistencia y fuerza. Considere unirse a un grupo de excursionistas o realizar caminatas más cortas para acostumbrarse a la elevación. También debe considerar empacar liviano y llevar refrigerios para obtener energía, así como zapatos cómodos e impermeables y ropa en capas.

Si está dispuesto a dedicar tiempo y esfuerzo a la capacitación y tiene los recursos financieros, definitivamente vale la pena caminar por el Camino Inca. Asegúrese de investigar y planificar con anticipación para asegurarse de tener una experiencia increíble. Con la preparación y la actitud adecuadas, puede llevarse a casa experiencias y recuerdos inolvidables que permanecerán con usted por el resto de su vida. ¡Comience a planificar hoy y asegúrese de aprovechar esta increíble oportunidad! ¡Buena suerte en tu viaje!


El Camino Inca a Machu Picchu es un viaje increíble que pueden disfrutar los excursionistas de todos los niveles de experiencia. Con el entrenamiento y la preparación adecuados, podrá aprovechar al máximo esta increíble caminata. ¡Así que no espere, comience a planificar su régimen de entrenamiento hoy y prepárese para una experiencia verdaderamente increíble!

What Our Clients Say in Tripadvisor


Overall Rating of 3rd-party reviews

ACL wrote a review - Oct 2022
ACL wrote a review - Oct 2022
Amazing trip! One of my mom’s bucket list is to hike the Inca Trail with her 5 grandchildren. It was a challenging but amazing and beautiful trip. Our final trekking group included two other families bring the total to 13 people. Our guides, Robin and his assistant, Jonah, were knowledgeable, patient and attentive with our large group of 8, and made this trek even more special because we were able focus on the beautiful scenery and each others company. They let us know the detail of the day’s hike and in the evening, prep us for the next morning. I caught a cold in Cusco, which made the hike much harder. They offered me some local medicine to help clear my sinus. One of them always stayed behind to make sure everyone gets to the campground. Through out the hike, we stopped at various historical spots, where Robin shared fact so on importance of the site and Incas/Quechua history. Robin even brought a mini espresso for us to have a cup at Dead Woman’s Peak 🥰. I’m glad that we ended up Robin and Jonah as our guide. They made the trek extra memorable and also appreciated how they take care of the porters.
Kathrin L wrote a review - Oct 2022
Kathrin L wrote a review - Oct 2022
Great trekking experience with lots of insides! We really enjoyed the four day Inka Trail with our fantastic and knowledgeable guide Robinzon! The scenery is just so beautiful and historical and it's great to have somebody telling you about all the big and little things you cross by. I still remember Robinzon showing us how much water is stored in a handful moss, how to shoot with grass and many other things you will get to know on the trip that I don't want to spoil with this! Thank you for making this trip so memorable!
Martenw wrote a review - Oct 2022
Martenw wrote a review - Oct 2022
Amazing trip! Really an amazing trip! The scenery is beautiful, the logistics are taken care of and the guide is very knowledgeable! The guide is able to tell you everything about the region; the history of the incas, the local plants and if you want they will even teach you some quechua (old inca language)!
Dd G wrote a review - Sep 2022
Dd G wrote a review - Sep 2022
@ ddg958
Robinson is the best! Great guide, lots of knowledge. Robinson will make every track memorable and fun Highly recommended!!!
Diana P wrote a review - Sep 2022
Diana P wrote a review - Sep 2022
@ dianapF1565AA
Solo traveler experience! Booked a 4 day hike with Robinson and his team, as a solo traveler never felt so welcomed and safe! This team made my experience and amazing one! Robinson is so knowledgeable about every thing you will see in the trail. From vegetation to the community, all we had questions about he knew the answer. He was very nice, fun and very respectful, making my experience an amazing one! Thank you so much for making me enjoy such a great trail! Best way to explore the trail!
Martina Klarica wrote a review - Sep 2022
Martina Klarica wrote a review - Sep 2022
Amazing tour with amazing guide! We are grateful to have met Robinzon. The best guide we had! Robinzon helped us so much to experience Peru in the right way. His professionalism, kindness and knowledge were at the highest level. We enjoyed every moment with him on our Salkantay trekking and in our visit to Machu Picchu. We are sure that when we return to Peru again, we will contact him again and entrust ourselves to his guidance :))
Mathilda Elwen wrote a review - Sep 2022
Mathilda Elwen wrote a review - Sep 2022
10/10 tourguide! Robby Robinzon was the best tour guide ever!!! On our trip to Peru, he was the highlight! He knew so much about the nature and surroundings and our trail and it was so much fun! He was a great host and I would recommend him when coming to Machu Picchu.
Alex wrote a review - Sep 2022
Alex wrote a review - Sep 2022
Amazing Salkantay and Ausengate Treks! The team did a great job at tailoring a trip so I could see everything I wanted! The communication while setting up my trip was clear and easy. All of my questions were answered fully and in a quick manner. Robinson is a very knowledgeable guide, speaks great English, always has a positive attitude, and knows the best spots for spectacular views! He really cares about his clients and will do everything to make sure they have a great experience. I had some knee pain after my first trek was having some trouble at Ausengate. Robinson slowed down, allowed me to take my time, and gave me some reassurance.
 Rita wrote a review - Sep 2022
Rita wrote a review - Sep 2022
10/10! Robinz was very professional and highly knowledgeable about the terrain. he also made our safety his number one priority. If and when I go back, I will be using his services from him. highly recommend him.
Joshua G wrote a review - Sep 2022
Joshua G wrote a review - Sep 2022
Robinson is the best! My wife and I could not have loved our trip more. Robinson Gutierrez is unbelievably knowledgeable, unusually patient with us and made us feel encouraged to ask any questions. Most importantly, we unequivocally felt he equally cared about the history of his country and as well as our experience of said beautiful country. I can't stress this enough, he sincerely cares for his group. Our Machu Picchu trip was only one of our experiences on our 5 week long honeymoon throughout all of South America. We were lucky to have really amazing guides in every country however Robinson was different. We wished Robinson could have taken us throughout the entire continent. If you need a guide in Peru, you need to go with Robinson.
Juan Pérez
Juan Pérez
The best trip! Robinzon was our guide to Machu Picchu, and we would claim, that the trip through the mountains, were the best part of our 3 month trip in South America! We had so much fun and laughed all the way, even though it was both pouring rain, roasting sun and our legs were tired. Also we didn’t rush at any point. There were lots of time to enjoy the beautiful nature and mountains, and Robinzon had a lot of knowledge about the plants, animals and mountains. We are very happy that we did this trip, and lucky that we got to have fun with Robinzon 🙂
Lisa W wrote a review - Sep 2022
Lisa W wrote a review - Sep 2022
FantasticTrip! Robinzon is fantastic. My kids age 10 and 13 really connected with him as he was patient and kind. They loved learning about nature, the insects, history, and local traditions as we hiked the Classic Inca Trail. You will be in good hands! No detail will be missed.
Donald Duck wrote a review - Sep 2022
Donald Duck wrote a review - Sep 2022
100% perfect! The knowledge from the tour guide and how enthusiastic they are for the environment, the surroundings and how the show and teach the group! 100% perfect they are one with the nature and they are born and raised around the secret valley, so they know what they are talking about.
Joanna K wrote a review - Sep 2022
Joanna K wrote a review - Sep 2022
Best Tour To Machu Picchu! Altitude Experience is the very best in Cusco. The team of guides provide the best tours. Really amazing experience with the team! Must-book!
Jordan L wrote a review - Sep 2022
Jordan L wrote a review - Sep 2022
Lares Trek & Inka Trail w/ Robinzon! Robinzon really added an extra layer to an already exceptional hike/trip. His knowledge and insight was incredible and allowed my friends to come away from the experience with a great understanding of his world. I have already recommended him to a few others interested in experiencing such an amazing hike.
Tim B wrote a review - Sep 2022
Tim B wrote a review - Sep 2022
Amazing Views Capped by an Experienced Guide! Robinzon was an amazing guide. He made the experience, which was full of incredible views and impressive ancient structures, a magical experience. We were especially pleased with the way he infused the experience with authentic cultural stories and views. We highly recommend trekking with his company.
 Dino wrote a review - Aug 2022
Dino wrote a review - Aug 2022
Amazing trek Did the Inka trail and Amazon jungle. Best treks ever. The Altitude Experience made sure that we had everything we needed and we were well taken care of. Highly recommended. No complaints. Thank you.
Michael B wrote a review - Aug 2022
Michael B wrote a review - Aug 2022
Inca Trail! Did the Inca Trail with these guys and it was AMAZING! Once in a lifetime experience and can't recommend it enough. Robin & his team were professional, knowledgeable & a great laugh! 5 stars
Kelli T wrote a review - May 2022
Kelli T wrote a review - May 2022
Great guide! Robin was a great guide for our first trip to Peru! It was memorable enough to return for another visit. We had a five year old with us and he was very accommodating.
Ren wrote a review - May 2022
Ren wrote a review - May 2022
The best! Highly recommend An excellent experience! Robinson was extremely knowledgeable, and provided information not only on the geo-ecological make up of the land, but also its history and cultural significance. The beauty of the land, along with that of the spirit and positive energy of the people made this trip one that I'll never forget. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this experience and company to anyone.
Sucam wrote a review - Apr 2022
Sucam wrote a review - Apr 2022
Good guide for families! We took a tour with Robinson for Ollantaytambo Santury. We were very happy with his services from him. He was knowledgeable and took his time on the tour with kids in our group. I would recommend him to anyone looking for a tour guide.
Charlie D wrote a review - Apr 2022
Charlie D wrote a review - Apr 2022
Amazing trip! Amazing tour guide that made the experience extremely memorable. The views and food were absolutely incredible. Such a great time!
 Benjamin King wrote a review - Mar 2022
Benjamin King wrote a review - Mar 2022
A great guide for a great trip I have amazing things to say about my 4d Inca trail hike with Robinson. He was incredibly knowledgeable about the history of the sites we saw along the way, he also gave us so many insights into the cultural world of the native Quechua people and the realties they face in modern Peru. I think he did incredible job at connecting and having fun conversations with us - a group of western tourists. But he also did a great job of slipping powerful stories, histories, and cultural insights into the conversation in a way that was so enriching to the experience. I'd 100% recommend to anyone researching tour companies in the Cusco area! Thanks Robinson!
Niko labor wrote a review Mar 2022
Niko labor wrote a review Mar 2022
Perfect journey. Robin Gutierrez is wonderfull person and perfect guide. His language is without mistake and his passion for job outstanding. I had the best time with this man and i fully recomended journey with him because it was one of the most beautiful experience that i had in my life. Roby rules
HH wrote a review Mar 2022
HH wrote a review Mar 2022
Great! I booked a trip with this company and for some reason they were unable to guide my friend and I. They made arrangements for us to go with TreXperience instead without any additional cost to us. They also arranged transportation to and from the airport at the start and end of the trip. This included a heroic effort at helping get us to the airport on time whilst making stops for COVID testing after mechanical issues with the train from Aguas Calientes had severe delays. I have high remarks for them.
Nidarchana G wrote a review Mar 2022
Nidarchana G wrote a review Mar 2022
They go above and beyond! Robinson made the Machu Picchu hike the best experience in our life! He was patient, encouraging and fun. His team of porters are incredible and they also made delicious food for us. I'd highly recommend them!
Jip wrote a review Mar 2022
Jip wrote a review Mar 2022
Awesome guides Amazing guides! Definitely recommend. Beautiful hikes and experience, delicious food (on the side of the mountain?!) and beautiful scenery
Phil_1285 wrote a review Feb 2022
Phil_1285 wrote a review Feb 2022
Trip of a lifetime! Rob is an amazing guide, showing us some incredible sites and also sharing interesting cultural facts and history. He was always on the lookout for any opportunities to see wildlife or special views on the trail and really made the whole experience memorable for me and my group. He's got a great sense of humor too and lots of conversation which helps when you're together for 4 days!! Fully recommend… and encourage. 🦙
Amy H wrote a review - Feb 2022
Amy H wrote a review - Feb 2022
Exceptional!!! I cannot begin to express how wonderful this experience was for us. She spoke excellent English and had a real concern for our safety and satisfaction. I look forward to going back and will never use any other company when I do! !!
Rob M wrote a review - Dec 2021
Rob M wrote a review - Dec 2021
Amazing 4 days 3 nights trekking experience Easily one of the best teams I've had the pleasure of trekking with. Our guide Robinson was fantastic. He treated us as if we were his family and he ensured a smooth trip during the 4 days we spent as a team. The porters and the food were amazing. Despite some rainy and cloudy days, Robinson made sure our experience was memorable and unique. We did the hike with a group of 8 people and it was clear to everyone that this experience was one of the best we have had in our travels. Your trekking experience is dictated by the people around you. You'll be doing yourself a favor by booking with AltitudeXperience and starting your journey with Robinson as your guide.
Funsi wrote a review - Aug 2021
Funsi wrote a review - Aug 2021
12 out of 10, highly recommended! I was lucky enough to have one of the best guides for my first (and hopefully not my last) adventure in Peru: Robinzon! Knowledgeable, fun, patient, experienced, caring, spontaneous, caring, passionate. I could go on and on with the adjectives. From the pre-hike briefing to saying our goodbyes, Robinzon was an absolute joy. He is very knowledgeable and attentive and somehow managed to make the challenging Salkantay trek manageable for a large group of people with different interests and skill levels. He too is personally in awe of the beauty and magic of the Andes, and it is this beauty and magic that he wishes to share with everyone he hosts, for all the adventures he can lead. Thanks for everything Robinson!
John m wrote a review - Jul 2021
John m wrote a review - Jul 2021
Inca Trail 4D/3N Hike to Machu Picchu. Robertson is an incredibly experienced guide who made my trip to Peru unforgettable. His team, including Gregorio and the porters, made our Inca Trail trek to Machu Picchu an incredible experience. I highly recommend Robinson and his team to anyone who is looking to fully emerge into the Inca/Quechua culture and learn many things about these times. Thank you Robinson and team for the amazing experience!
Stacy Warner wrote a review - Jul 2021
Stacy Warner wrote a review - Jul 2021
Lares Walk. We chose Lares Trek and couldn't have been happier! ! Our guide, Adrian, made this adventure exceptional. Since it was just the two of us, he made sure we had all the necessities and breaks! ! We had a lot of walking and history as Adrian taught us a lot of interesting facts about the Inca culture. As we are both vegans, Adrian made sure that all meals, snacks and drinks met our dietary needs! This was indeed the trip of a lifetime for him and it could not have happened without our exceptional guide! ! Thank you AltitudeXperience and thank you very much Adrian! ! !
Grace W wrote a review - Jul 2021
Grace W wrote a review - Jul 2021
Amazing tour guide!!!! I did the lares hike with my mom this July. Our tour guide Robinzon was amazing! ! The entire team we went with made us feel like family and helped make the trip run smoothly. You can tell they went out of their way to make sure we both had a great time. The team had many surprises planned and paid great attention to every detail. The views of the mountains were unforgettable! Everything was so beautiful. It was my first time in the Andes and I would definitely recommend this company and the trek to anyone who wants to experience the culture and ecology first hand! ! ! I loved learning about the history of the Incas and appreciate the opportunities to interact with the locals.
Amy H wrote a review - Jul 2021
Amy H wrote a review - Jul 2021
Extraordinary!! I don't even know where to start. Robinzon started out as our guide and ended up as a close friend. He showed us a part of the Andes Mountains that we would never have seen if it hadn't been for him. Most tourists will not have the privilege of experiencing Peru like we did. It immerses you in the culture. I can't wait to go back. There is absolutely no one else I would want to guide me through this beautiful country than him.
Scotty wrote a review - Jul 2021
Scotty wrote a review - Jul 2021
Just say yes! Great company, great human beings. An amazing experience with an amazing guide. Robinzon is an amazing guide and a truly amazing human being. In fact, we visited him in 2017 and 2018 and both times we hiked with him and they were phenomenal. I highly recommend this company and recommend …
Sydney s wrote a review - Jul 2021
Sydney s wrote a review - Jul 2021
Highly recommended! I couldn't recommend AltitudeXperience and Robinzon highly enough! ! ! I was very impressed with this tour company. They are not only knowledgeable, but also kind and friendly. They were also very helpful in my hiking experience, always willing to help me and my friends. They made this experience so much fun.

Inca Trail Tours

13 km / 8,6 millas
La caminata de Camino Inca express de 1 día a Machu Picchu es deslumbrante, podrá ver el valle de rio Vilcanota y lo mas destacado del Camino Inca tradicional como: las ruinas de Chachabamba, wiñay Huayna y Machu Picchu…
43Km/26 Millas
El camino Inca tiene rutas increíbles, pasos por la cordillera andina, centros arqueológicos de la civilización Inca, bosques nubosos llenos de vida silvestre, esta es la caminata más popular y reconocida a nivel mundial…
46 km/28 miles
Una de las caminatas más espectaculares de la cordillera de Urubamba nos lleva a través del paisaje andino y el hogar de los descendientes directos de los Incas.
10 km/ 7millas
Esta caminata es corta, recorrido por el Camino Inca, dura 7 horas de caminata por el famoso Camino Inca, también tendrá una estadía en Aguas Calientes en el mejor hotel local y el mejor restaurante.
Para Todos
Durante el tour camino inca 5 días, tendrá mas tiempo para relajarse y explorar todo y menos tiempo para caminar largas distancias. es la opción ideal tanto para familias con niños pequeños como personas a las que no les gusta Caminar largas distancias…
43Km/26 Millas
Nuestro Camino Inca Tour 4 dias a Machu Picchu es la ruta más popular y considerada por muchos como la mejor manera de ver esta antigua ciudadela, una ruta inca de 500 años de antigüedad…


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